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The Baology Prep Course is designed to be the Biology Olympiad course that our instructors wished they had access to when they were students. All of our instructors are not only alumni of the Biology Olympiad programs, but also competed at the top levels in them. While this course is designed for students of all levels including beginners, many find the content most easily absorbed if they do the assigned readings for each class prior the lecture. Our goal is to take the official textbook of USABO, Campbell Biology, and use it as a framework to build more advanced topics. As such our class will benefit students both introductory and advanced.

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The Baology Prep Course is designed to be the Biology Olympiad course that our instructors wished they had access to when they were students. All of our instructors are not only alumni of the Biology Olympiad programs, but also competed at the top levels in them. While this course is designed for students of all levels including beginners, many find the content most easily absorbed if they do the assigned readings for each class prior the lecture. Our goal is to take the official textbook of USABO, Campbell Biology, and use it as a framework to build more advanced topics. As such our class will benefit students both introductory and advanced. We pride ourselves on three principles when teaching our course: